eurythmy in barrie, ontario

Art of Eurythmy in Barrie 2020

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Starting October 17th, please join us each Saturday at 3 pm, for a series of five eurythmy classes to mitigate the strains and drains of technology with living creative forces.  We will delve into the insightful and poetic verses Rudolf Steiner gave for each week of the year.

105 Toronto St. Barrie, ON

Fee: $65  for five sessions
Please register in advance  by phone: 705 242 0105
or email: 

~ class size limited to seven ~


~ a time for refreshment ~

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Join Cynthia Gelder
at the Natura Medical Arts Centre
3 PM Saturdays
April 4, April 18, May 2 & May 16

For a series of 5 sessions for soul and body nourishment through the sounds of speech: energetic R, uplifting L, balancing M! Employing copper balls and rods, to stimulate the flow of energy, we’ll explore the geometry of the five-pointed star.

Fee: $50 early bird registration by March 1st or $75 thereafter until March 15th. Drop in: $20.
Please register by phone: 705 242 0105 or email: with your preferred method of payment.

Eurythmy Class - Sept 7th, 2019

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explore the zodiac in movement

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Eurythmy classes to delve into the signs of the zodiac, and all that eurythmy can offer to deepen our understanding of each sign. From color, to sound, to traits—these all sound forth in gesture!

2018: Sat. Nov. 17, 2-4 PM   Theme: Scorpio—FROM THE DEPTHS TO THE HEIGHTS

2019: Sat. Jan. 26, 2-4 PM   Theme: Aquarius—FINDING THE MIDDLE

2019: Sat. March. 23, 2-4 pm   Theme: Aries—MEET THE FORCE OF THE WAVE

 Place: Natura Medical Arts Centre, 105 Toronto St., Barrie, Ontario

Fee: $20 with registration one week prior to the class

To join, please contact eurythmy therapist, Cynthia Gelder / 705 242 0105

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Cynthia Gelder holds regular eurythmy courses in Barrie, Ontario. Her contact is cgelder2002@yahoo,.com.

Cynthia also directs Festivals Alive, a group that celebrates the festivals and seasons with eurythmy, music and poetry. New members are most warmly welcome to join the group.

Banner photo: Lucas Bois. Taken at the 100 Years of Eurythmy Festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2012.